I felt like I needed to start here. This is so much a part of my story and why I am in the place that I am today. I truly believe a few inspirational audiobooks have changed my life forever! They got me off of a crazy/stressful/anxious/ nonstop hampster wheel and in the happiest place I have ever been! They have changed my life in such a way that I wanted this to be the very first blog post on my new blog! I want to shout it from the rooftops to help inspire other women!!! Especially mommas who are deep in the trenches of motherhood!
So why Audiobooks? I have found audio to be the best avenue for me! I haven’t had the time in seven years to sit and finish reading a book. I used to be an avid reader and there was this empty hole that was missing that connection with a book! However, that all changed when I found Audible! (I LOVE Audible) I can fill the air with inspiring words while I am in the car, working on my computer, or doing chores around the house! I also LOVE hearing the words straight from the author’s mouth! (I am partial to books read by the author).
Let me take you back to last fall. I am not going to get into all the nitty gritty details yet (that is saved for another post) but it was one of the most stressful seasons of life that I have ever had! I felt attacked by Satan. I remember praying “God something has to give. What am I doing wrong? Why are our lives nonstop craziness? This is not how I want us to live our lives. I feel like there just isn’t enough hours in the day and I am constantly disappointing everyone. God how do we change this?” I was so tired. I was so defeated. I went to bed every single night feeling like I was drowning.
A few days before Thanksgiving of last year, I saw someone post about Emily Ley’s A Simplified Life. I was going to be spending quite a bit of time in the car and at my computer in the coming weeks so I got an Audible account and purchased the book. I remember I was on my way to shoot a newborn session when I played the first words of the book in my car.
If I know anything about life, it’s this: it doesn’t have to be so complicated. I know what it feels like to be in the absolute thick ot it – with little ones clamoring for attention, an inbox forever overflowing, a house brimming with clutter, laundry that never seems to end, doubt and anxiety pumping through my veins. I know what it feels like to be completely and totally overwhelmed. ” Emily Ley, A Simplified Life
I started sobbing. Not just a regular cry, but Ugly “God you sent this to me didn’t you” crying! She had just described every ounce of my life and she wrote a book on how to overcome it! I was obsessed. I couldn’t listen to it fast enough. I devoured every single word. I told everyone I knew about it! Things began to change. All of the positive words, tips on self-improvement, and encouragement was permeating into every ounce of my life! The dark cloud was lifting. I saw hope. I started to see what a difference listening to positive words was doing for my mood and my life! I started filling my day with uplifting audio and turned off the “noise” of the tv! I was hooked!!!
Seven months later, I continue to seek out encouraging audiobooks but I will always be able to credit these five books for changing everything!
The five inspirational Audiobooks that changed my life are:
1.A Simplified Life by Emily Ley
Why I recommend it: First of all, even if you bought the paperback, I would HIGHLY recommend the audio version because Emily reads it herself! She gives tactical tools and tips on how to simplify every area of your life! I found myself nodding and saying “YES” through the entire book!!! I learned that so much of my stress and exhaustion was that we were making our lives too complicated! I reference it daily and have been applying everything I learned from her book to our home, lives, and to my work! I will forever be thankful that God put that book in my path when he did. I can truly say that book was the start of so much happiness, contentment, and hope!!! And why seven months later, I am in this very spot!!!
Favorite Quote: “If your brain is on overload, constantly flipping through your to-do list, contantly comparing yourself to others, constantly worrying about when the next shoe is going to drop, you cannot fit happiness, joy, and calm in there.” A Simplified Life, by Emily Ley
2. Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
Why I recommend it: This is one of those books that EVERYONE needs to read!!! Rachel is an amazing lady with the most incredible life story!!! She inspired me to get off the struggle bus and go after life! Rachel talks about all the lessons she has learned in life and times where she felt overwhelmed and ready to give up! She talks about how she overcame them and inspires everyone to go after your dreams and pursue your passions! You finish the book feeling like your best friend just gave you the biggest pep talk ever!!! You will not want this book to end!
Favorite Quote:“What if the hard stuff, the amazing stuff, the love, the joy, the hope, the fear, the weird stuff, the funny stuff, the stuff that takes you so low you’re lying on the floor crying and thinking, How did I get here? . . . What if none of it is happening to you? What if all of it is happening for you?” Rachel Hollis, Girl Wash Your Face
3. The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown
Why I recommend it: Goodness where do I even begin with this one! If you don’t know who Brene brown is get on youtube and search her and devour every single second of her!!! Talk about a woman who is making a mark in this world!!! She teaches that vulnerability is the birthplace of joy, belonging, creativity, authenticity and love! That through being vulnerable we can open ourselves up to experienceines that bring purpose and meaning to our lives! This blog makes me feel vulnerable. I could sit back and stay in the safe zone and just wish I had the courage to write a blog or put myself out there and allow God to let some amazing things happen through sharing my life and experiences! This book was so eye opening and inspiring!!!
Favorite Quote: “Because when we work from a place, I believe, that says, “I’m enough” … then we stop screaming and start listening, we’re kinder and gentler to the people around us, and we’re kinder and gentler to ourselves.” – Brene Brown
4. Hello Mornings by Kat Lee
Why I recommend it: Kat has completely changed the way I start my day! Her book made me implement powerful morning routines that shape the rest of my day! I wake up each day excited and ready to take on the world! (yes its ok if you want to slap me! haha! I promise it wasn’t always this way.) She gives very simple guidlines to how you can begin each morning in a positive light!
Favorite Quote: How we start shapes our journey and outlines our lives and who we start with makes all the difference! – Kat Lee, Hello Mornings
5. Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist
Why I recommend it: This book was like a deep breath of fresh air!!! Everything my soul and heart have been feeling and thinking! So much affirmation that there is a different way to live! She talks about how to live a rich and meaningful life in this messy fast paced world! It is a must read for every momma looking to slow down and savor the moments!!!
Favorite Quote:“I fake-rested instead of real-rested, and then I found that I was real-tired. It feels ludicrous to be a grown woman, a mother, still learning how to rest. But here I am, baby-stepping to learn something kids know intuitively. Part of being an adult is taking responsibility for resting your body and your soul. And part of being an adult is learning to meet your own needs, because when it comes down to it, with a few exceptions, no one else is going to do it for you.” Shauna Niequist, Present Over Perfect
Mommas, if you are in a dark place, if you are drowning, start filling your heart and brain with positive and encouraging words! Then slowly, inch by inch, you will find the way back to YOU! We can be moms and still have our own identity!!! Keep chasing your dreams! – Amanda 🙂
This blog post wa exactly what Ive been looking for! I listened to “Girl, Wash Your Face” and it completely changed my life. I’ve been looking for more audibles to listen to. I’ve read the first book, but now I think I may download the audible version. Thanks so much for sharing!!!
That just made my day!!! I am so glad you loved it! Yes the audio version helped me soak in every word!!! You will have to let me know what you think if you listen to any of the others!!!
Great read! I currently have the luxury to read and will be putting all of these on my list!